Sportive Breaks

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Sportives Information & Advice

Ride London is in the books. What’s Next?

Congratulations to everyone that completed the 100 miles of Ride London. If this was your first major sportive, we hope you enjoyed it as much as us. For those that now have the bug and are keen to explore new

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Stelvio Santini
Sportives Information & Advice

Sportive Country Guide: Italy

Quite possibly the greatest country on the planet to ride a bike. Italy combines stylish cool, incredible food, a long and storied cycling tradition & some incredible routes and climbs. The sportive scene is quite different in Italy to other

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Sportives Information & Advice

Event Day Nutrition Tips

The most important thing is that we don’t leave our nutrition strategy until the day, or even a few weeks, before. Our bodies need to get used to what we are doing and so the same approach we have with

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The Hardest Sportive of the Year

A question we get all the time, what is the hardest sportive in Europe? Ok, so lets rule out the small, specialist events that are only for the hardcore (here’s looking at you Tour de Mont Blanc with your 8,000m

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Sportive Travel Packing Essentials

  Even heading off on a short ride from your home can include massive amounts of kits and dithering, so when you are flying to a major European Sportive it may help to have a Sportives Travel Packing Essentials list:

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Our Top 7 Bike Hotels in Europe

Each year we visit hundreds of bike friendly hotels across Europe to find you the best accommodation for your cycling holidays and sportive breaks. Our search is ongoing but here are our current favourite seven bike hotels in Europe (in

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The Best Cobbled Sportives in Europe

The sportive season is finally here. The first two months are firmly focused on northern Europe and the famed pave of northern France and cobbled bergs of Flanders. March & April are packed with some great sportives. Cycling weekends do

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Mallorca 312

The Best Bank Holiday Sportives – 2016

Excluding December, there are just four bank holiday weekends in 2016. That’s four opportunities for oversees cycling breaks with zero days off work. Here, we go through all the Sportive options for the four bank holiday weekends: Easter Weekend: March

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